Zowie is enjoying her bed from the MEOW Foundation, and she wanted to tell all the kitties and mums and dads that there is some great fundraising stuff happening with MEOW right now.
There is an online silent auction for some great items, including special stuff for kitties, and lots for mums and dads. Our mum's favourite is all the great art that is up for bids!
If you can't bid, then perhaps consider making a donation, as this time of year is especially busy with all the wee kitten babies that are taken care of by the wonderful MEOW volunteers. The foundation has over 200 cats that they're taking care of right now, and they can use all the help they can get! :)
A little bit about the MEOW Foundation:
The MEOW Foundation is a no-kill humane society in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They have a shelter that takes care of approximately 75 cats, and foster homes take care of many of the shy or sick cats that come into their care. Lots of volunteers help take care of the kitties at the shelter, and they do fundraising too. Their adoption coordinators work with potential adoptees (like my mum) and help them to find a kitty that fits their situation. (My mum's adoption coordinator knew that I would be a very good fit for my mum's home because I'm really laid back and I let the girl kitties be the boss. :)) The foundation's staff and volunteers do a lot of work to help stray and abandoned kitties and to get them safe homes. They make sure kitties are spayed or neutered, and they help teach people about responsible pet ownership. Plus I think that they are really super nice.
Fanks for letting us know, we will go check it out!
We will check it out!
What a great cause! Thanks for letting us know about it!
Thanks for the info, mum says she will go there and look after work.
Hugs GJ x
We will go have a look too. They do good work!
Huffle Mawson
What a thoughtful cat you are. God bless.
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