Mum had some fun with that cat cartoon maker thingy, and she made pictures of us. She says they're not quite as good as she'd like, but they do capture our 'looks'... She took these screen captures of our cartoons:
Pandora has her mouth open because mum says that she is always talking. (and we agree, she is almost ALWAYS talking!)
I am a little bigger and I am glad to see that mum got my biscuit head in. The only really inaccurate bit is that I am showing two teef in this picture and I only have one upper canine toof left. But that's how I'd be if I had it back!
And she says Zowie was the hardest one to get. I suppose it's tough with the mix of furs she has.
Has your mum or dad tried this out yet?
These are great! My human hasn't tried it yet, but she is going to make a more generic Somali one and use it for my Zazzle store.
We like your avatars! Mom wanted the link! Thank you!
Your avatars look really great. Mom hasn't tried it yet. She'd probably mess it up royally.
Wow, those are excellent!
We haven't seen that before. How cool!
Our humans were "busy" (we are not clear what this means, but we suspect it might be the same as "lazy"), so our friends at Twinkletoe Tails made avatars for us. :)
Yours look great! Good job by your Mom!!!
Well my mommy tried it but she couldn't figure out how to save it so I could post it on my blog help please!
i wants my mommeh to go use that thingie RIGHT NOW!!! SO COOOOOL!!!
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