Sunday, April 15, 2012


Oops. Mum has been busy and has forgotten to help us blog. She does that sometimes, usually when she's writing a lot. She has a new story out on Amazon, called 'Betting the Farm'. It's a short story, and she wrote it last year.

Other than that, we are busy doing our usual things: snoozing, playing, eating lots of noms, and snuggling with mum.


The Island Cats said...

It's nice to hear from you. We spend our days much the same way you are!

Tober the Cat said...

You guys look busy, too!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Good to see your mancatly mug again, Percy...Teri loves your hunkahunka burnin' lovemuffin of a self!

Summer at said...

Tell your human that no matter what she is doing, she still has to let you blog! We kitties need to have OUR creative space too.

Cindy said...

How exciting for her! Nice way to spend your day!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Our Mom has been busy doing nothing and not helping us blog. WE need a way to motivate the humans to take better care of us!

meowmeowmans said...

It's nice to hear from you! We're glad to know you are doing okay. :)