Thursday, June 24, 2010

Yesterday's photo

I was just minding my own business, napping at the bottom of the scratching post, and then I was disturbed by the pupparazzi.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mancat Monday: Taking care of mum

Mum's been sick today, so we have been taking care of her. We all lay down for naps with her, and we keep her warm by snuggling.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A sunny Caturday!

The rain seems to have stopped - for now. And we can see sun!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Caturdays are for snoozing!
It was nice and sunny out today (instead of RAIN like it has been all week), so I took advantage of the very nice sunpuddles that were about.

I also tried to snuggle up close to Zowie, but she wasn't really wanting to share her spots with me. Oh well. I still got to sleep sorta close.

Pandora snuggled a lot with mum today. She likes it a lot (as we all do) when mum is home during the day and can spend lots of time with us.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Toes Tuesday

Sleeping is the best time to see my toes.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Review: Bootsie's Bunk Bed & Playroom

We got this great toy from the folks at CSN, who run the website. In return, we said we'd do a review. So read on to see what we think of this cool toy.

As you can see, Pandora couldn't wait to try out the top of the bunkbed - even before mum got to put the cushion on top! The bed also came in this great box, and while mum was putting it together (she says it was really easy), we checked out the box.

I quite like the two dangly toys on the side - the one with the strings is my favourite. Mum isn't sure if she'll be able to get replacement toys once we wear these ones out, but she thinks that she won't have to worry about that for awhile.

Part of the great thing about this toy is that there is a hidey hole! And even a big mancat like me can fit into it, though as you'll see below, my tail sticks out. Oops. But it works really well for my sisters.

For Pandora and Zowie, the toy really lives up to its 'Bunk Bed' name. Zowie usually prefers the hidey hole in the lower bit, as you can see, but if there are sun puddles, she likes to sleep on top. (mum doesn't have any pictures of that yet, but she will soon.) Pandora always has to be on top though, as she doesn't like hiding in things. I haven't tried out the top yet, because it's too small for me to stretch out on.

We think this is a pretty cool toy! Mum is impressed by the quality. She says the panels are solid wood, and the toys look like they'll stand up to a fair bit of use. She also thinks the price was not too bad, as she hasn't seen anything similarly cool in the stores here.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Enjoying the sun puddles!

It has been pretty rainy here recently (almost EVERY day), so right now I am enjoying the sun puddle. I hope it lasts!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A very Mancatly pose!

Mum says that if I were a bean, this would be my GQ pose. I have no idea what she means. I just know that it was a really good stretch!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Not quite Wordless Wednesday

Sorry we haven't posted much! Mum hasn't been feeling very well, and she has been very tired. But coming up this weekend we will have an awesome review of a new toy! And mum has taken lots of photos of us so there will be lots of new stuff to see. :)